Industrial Specialty Cleaning & Hydro Excavating Contractor

View some of our projects below!

Plocher Construction

Ameren Sub Station

Air Knifing old footings so they can be picked and removed.

Plocher Construction

Ameren Sub Station

Hydro excavated footings for new security gates.

Ameren Sioux

Hydro blasting clinkers out of the ash grinder using a 10K pump w/ T Nozzle cannon.

Plocher Construction

Ameren Labadie

Hydro excavation duct banks.

Plocher Construction

Ameren Sub Station

Hydro excavated footings for new security gates.


Ameren Sioux

Air heater hydroblast and vacuum support. Cleaned bundles before going to scrap yard.

Plocher Construction

Ameren Labadie

Coal receiving belt upgrades, Hydro excavated underneath belts so concrete could be poured for easier cleaning.

Poet Ethanol

Hydroblasting syrup lines with vacuum support.

Ameren Meramec

Potholing in front of boring crew to make sure there aren’t any obstructions.

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